
When your first child enters this world, words cannot properly describe your emotions. This is one of those moments when a picture is truly worth a thousand words.  You hold in your hands someone who can change the worlds way of thinking or be the next creator of an invention that can altar our worldly universe.  I know that's deep but you get where I'm going with this.  NOBODY will ever love your child the exact same way YOU DO! 

These are the emotions I love to capture within seconds during a session.  The lighting, the background, the tone of the image, means NOTHING if the image does not speak to you emotionally.  This is something I cannot teach because you are equally living the moment with your client.  When that baby smiles at dad after crying for what seemed like forever, and the parents both light up with smiles...that's the shot to get.

At times you may feel like you are just taking pictures...but are you really?