This is Brother John Mai. His smile is so INFECTIOUS!!! He is one of the brothers at Christian Brothers School and since the opening of the 2nd CBS school on Canal Street, he has attended every school function with his camera and this great smile. He walks around with camera in hand asking you, "Can I Take Your Picture?" This guy will not only capture Every Single Person Attending but he does something remarkable. Brother John remembers your name. I'm talking from years before not just 5 minutes ago.
My niece Madeline, worked with me this day capturing images for the Mother/Daughter Luncheon at the Roosevelt Hotel. Madeline has an older brother that went to CBS at the City Park campus. Brother John asked Madeline for her name. She said, Madeline Melancon, and brother John finished her sentence with, "and how is your brother Michael doing and what about your mom?!" Madeline was shocked because that was two years ago when her brother went to CBS.
This post is happening today because every time I see Brother John Mai he reminds me to forcefully see the good with a smile! Talk to people with opened ears and lend your heart to the person in front of you at that moment. This is how we are supposed to live life. Anybody can walk around the room taking pictures but Brother John knows how to make you feel like we are all family and YOU DO MATTER TO HIM!
Our crazy busy lives should never be an excuse for the lack of humanity between us all.Maybe you should screen capture his image above, print it and display it at work where you'll see it when life gets tough and you wonder where is the humanity....Brother John Mai will always have that smile on his face to remind you of YOUR HUMANITY!