Our fun Southern hospitality with professional portrait expertise will help you capture hundreds of qualified leads. Elevate participant engagement and establish face-to-face connections for increased booth attendance.
Hello Event Planner, I have a new headshot experience that will blow your guests away! I only need TWO things from you and everything else I will handle including capture & delivery to each subject for you!
1. Your event attendee CSV file
2. Your company logo for custom branding
That’s It!
All images are instantly sorted into individual branded, online galleries. People only see their own headshots!
Streamline your workflow with online proofing, image selection and retouching. Your event experience just raised the bar!
Automatically rename your image files with your subject’s name as you shoot. No more copying & pasting
Deliver individual galleries directly to every subject’s inbox. Send emails instantly while shooting or after the job!
Disclaimer: We want to make your life easier by delivering digital files instantly, privately to the attendee. Not only that, but we will rename each file to match the attendee’s name for better organization. Attendee’s can also order retouched photos of their favorite headshots. All of these services are included when you hire us for your next event.
$250 per person
Prices vary depending on the size of your team. We will design a price specifically for your business.
Perfect for digitally creating team images from individual headshots taken in the studio.
It’s my opinion that strong patterns should be avoided on the day of the shoot. Most of the time, they only serve to distract. You want the viewer of the headshot to see your facial expression, not the expression of your clothing, so wear something that only adds to the tone you’re trying to convey.
Avoid sleeveless tops, as bare arms highlight the contrast between the tone and color of your arms in contrast to your face. You also risk showing your armpits in certain poses, and that is best avoided unless it’s a style statement and fits with the tone you’d like to convey for your company.
This is important for group or team images. Just like you would create for a family portrait, you must keep the color tones within the same family for cohesiveness. 2 people wearing orange or red shirts will stand out in the group wearing darker blues or tans.